3 Reasons Why Introverts Make Great Public Speakers (part 1)

executive presentations fear of public speaking how to become great public speaker introverts public speaking public speaking public speaking coach public speaking course public speaking in business May 10, 2021
An introvert studying alone is a strength for public speaking


I talk with introverted people all the time and they all have one thought in common: Extroverts make great public speakers, introverts do not. Let’s just get this out of the way. That belief is completely false. It is simply not true.

If you are reading this blog chances are good that you are at least slightly introverted. You might even buy into the line of thinking that I mentioned above: Extroverts make great public speakers, introverts do not. If you do, I am going to help you flip that false belief because it is absolutely not true!

How do I know it is not true? Well, in just a minute I will give you a few reasons, but first, if you’re not familiar with the terms introvert and extrovert check out my blog that defines introvert and extrovert and answers the question: Can introverts be great public speakers?

Now let’s get down to the business of busting that false belief.

Reasons Why Introverts Make Great Public Speakers

1. Many of the greatest public speakers are introverts.

What would you say if I told you that Barak Obama is an introvert? Despite what you may think of his political views, he ascendency to the world’s most powerful position as President of the United States was fueled largely by his ability to speak in public. Not only is President Obama an introvert but many of the greatest public speakers in history were also introverts. Let me name a few as examples. Ghandi, Nelson Mandela, Winston Churchill, Eleanor Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln. These are just a few of the people I could name drop that were self-proclaimed introverts. Interestingly, these introverts were also people whose oratory skill changed the world. 

So, what do they have to do with you? Those people are examples of how false the belief that introverts don’t make phenomenal public speakers actually is. Many of the greatest public speakers are introverts and that is their strength! The truth is that introverts make great public speakers. Anything else is a false belief.

2. Introverts think deeply. 

This is not to say that extroverted personalities don’t think deeply. They do. It is just that introverts have a very real internal world. Introverts are very introspective. They often think before they speak. They form their thoughts and opinions in their inner world and prefer to have those thoughts well-baked before talking about them. An introvert’s introspective power gives them a fascinating ability to have unique insight. In fact, in my leadership seminars I teach executives to understand their teams behavioral and communication styles so that they can tap the true potential of those introverts on their team. The deep thinking and unique perspective that you will offer as an introvert is a strength and will make you a great presenter.

3. Introverts prepare for their presentations.

I would say that between 80-90% of your presentation's success happens before you stand up to speak. The results of your presentations are seeded in the time you spend in message preparation. Message prep is absolutely vital! In fact, for professional speakers the rule of thumb is one hour of message prep for every one minute of presentation time. That is a ton of time! Now, don’t let that ratio derail your thinking. Remember, that’s for professional speakers. I told you that ratio to underscore how vital message preparation actually is in the professional speaking world. The reality is that if you are introverted you will put the time and effort into your preparation and that is a strength that you have.

Following that same vein, you need to know that message prep is solitary work… at least initially. As an introvert, you don’t mind working by yourself to craft your presentation. Extroverts don’t like being by themselves very much so the preparation time seems like a chore for them. This is another strength that you have as an introvert. You don’t mind being alone to take the time necessary to frame your presentation.

Even though this is just the first blog in a short series on introverts being great public speakers, can you already see how being an introvert is actually a strength when it comes to public speaking? Do you realize just how false the thinking that introverts don’t make great public speakers actually was? The real question now though is: Do you believe that these strengths are true for you?

They are!

What thoughts do you have? Are you able to make the mind-shift? Place your comments, thoughts or questions in the section below. If you know other introverted people who would benefit from this blog please share it with them and subscribe to my blog for more.

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