Do You Need a Public Speaking Coach? May 27, 2021

I have a friend who is very extroverted. She is a good communicator and had a great role in the financial industry before staying home to raise her children. A few years ago she started her own business and needed exposure and funding. She was chosen to give a presentation that would solve both of those issues. In talking with her I asked if she needed an extra set of eyes to help her craft and...

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3 More Reasons Why Introverts Make Great Public Speakers (part 2) May 17, 2021

50.7% of the population is introverted. That is a whole lot of people that often will discount themselves as great public speakers usually because of 3 reasons: personality, anxiety and false belief.

Let me explain.

The personality of someone whose behavioral style is introverted tends to be introspective. So if you are an introvert your inner world is where you re-charge and draw energy. You...

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3 Reasons Why Introverts Make Great Public Speakers (part 1) May 10, 2021


I talk with introverted people all the time and they all have one thought in common: Extroverts make great public speakers, introverts do not. Let’s just get this out of the way. That belief is completely false. It is simply not true.

If you are reading this blog chances are good that you are at least slightly introverted. You might even buy into the line of thinking that I...

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Can Introverts Be Great Public Speakers? Apr 19, 2021

I was talking with a friend the other day and she didn’t believe me when I told her I was  shy, quiet and introverted as a kid. I told her that my mom says quite frequently that she can’t believe what I’ve chosen to do professionally. I was the kid that always hid behind her skirt.

It’s true. I was shy. I was, and still am quiet in certain situations. Let me explain...

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